
NYC Pillar Pastors Conference
On Monday, March 24, North Shore Baptist Church in Bayside, NY is hosting a Pillar Pastors Conference on the topic of “Practical Help for Helpers.” This will be a great opportunity to join with other pastors for a time of fellowship, equipping, and encouragement as you hear from multiple experienced pastors. This conference is designed for pastors and their wives, but all are welcome.
Ed Moore - Pastor of NSBC speaking on 1 Thessalonians 5:14 “Admonish the Idle”
Jared Mellinger - Pastor of Covenant Fellowship Church speaking on “Encourage the Fainthearted”
Anthony Caughlin - Pastor of Risen Christ Fellowship speaking on “Help the Weak”
Monday, March 24 | 9am - 3pm
North Shore Baptist Church
202-09 42nd Ave
Bayside, NY 11361
Tickets are $25 for individuals or $40 for couples. Breakfast and lunch are included. For more information and to register please the button below.

9Marks Carolina Weekender
9Marks is partnering with Park Baptist Church in Rock Hill, SC to host pastors, seminarians, and church leaders from Thursday night to Sunday evening for a full-on immersion in the life and inner workings of a church committed to living and ministering biblically. The goal of The 9Marks Weekender is to provide an environment in which leaders can observe and discuss the biblical and practical dynamics of nurturing love and holiness in a local church.
You’ll have box seats for a new members’ class. You’ll be front and center for lectures from Dave Kiehn and other elders on expositional preaching and implementing change. You’ll even go behind closed doors to observe an elders’ meeting. And all that’s just the first half of the weekend.
Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 6pm - Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 8:30pm
Park Baptist Church
717 East Main Street,
Rock Hill, SC 29730
$150 - Includes meals and resources.
Scholarships and a reduced rate are a possibility if needed (minimum $75). Please see the registration page for more information.
For more information, including a tentative schedule of the weekender, detailed logistics, and registration, please click the button below.

Pillar Pastors’ Forum with SBC President Clint Pressley
Grace Baptist Church in West Asheville is hosting a Pillar Pastors’ Forum with SBC President Clint Pressley on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. This will be an opportunity to gather with other pastors to hear from Clint on current issues in the SBC, as well as a time to fellowship, worship, and share lunch together.
9:30am | Fellowship
10:00am | Welcome and Worship
10:15am | A Word from our Sponsor
10:30am | Message from Clint Pressley
11:30am | Lunch Provided
12:30pm | Panel Discussion with Clint
1:45pm | Worship and Closing Remarks
2:00pm | Prayer
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 | 10am - 2pm
Grace Baptist West Asheville
718 Haywood Rd
Asheville, NC 28806
Click the button below to register. For questions about this event, please contact Branton Burleson.

Pillar Day & Luncheon at Midwestern
We hope you can join us for our Pillar Day and Luncheon @ Midwestern Seminary in Kansas City, MO on Wednesday, April 2nd. The guest preacher will be Nate Akin, Executive Director of the Pillar Network. Please sign-up below to attend the luncheon.
10-11:00AM | Chapel
11AM-12:00PM | Luncheon (located in the Chapel Banquet Hall of the MBTS Building)
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
5001 North Oak Trafficway
Kansas City, Missouri 64118
Please click the button below to register to attend the FREE luncheon. Only 50 spots available.

Christ-Centered Preaching Conference - New Orleans, LA
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is hosting a Christ-Centered & Clear Preaching Conference on April 30. Join us to learn how to more effectively preach Jesus from the Old Testament.
Nate Akin
Corey Barnes
Josh Wredberg
Wednesday, April 30 | 9:30AM - 2:00PM
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary | Room L237 (Student Center)
3939 Gentilly Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70126
9:30am - Registration
10:00am - Welcome and Introduction
10:15am - Session 1: The Importance of Christ-Centered Preaching (Nate Akin)
11:15am - Session 2: Preaching Like Christ (Josh Wredberg)
Noon - Lunch (included in registration cost)
12:45pm - Session 3: Preaching Christ from Hard Passages (Cory Barnes)
1:30pm - Questions & Answers on Preaching (Panel)
2:00pm - Conference Dismissal
A free copy of Your Old Testament Sermon Needs to Get Saved by David King will be given to the first 50 to register! Click the button below to sign up.

Texas Pastors Conference
Texas Pastors Conference (TXPC) is an annual conference designed to encourage, equip, and provide fellowship for Texas pastors. TXPC is a ministry of Trinity River Baptist Church.
Garrett Kell
Jonathan Leeman
Juan Sanchez
Ben Lacey
Monday, May 12, 2025 | 8 AM - 4 PM
Travis Avenue Baptist Church
800 W Berry St,
Fort Worth, TX 76110
Ticket Prices:
January-March: $55
April: $65
May: $75
Please email all questions to info@txpc.org and click the link below to register.

Christ-Centered Preaching Conference - Glenrothes, Scotland
Glenrothes Baptist Church in Scotland is hosting a Christ-Centered & Clear Preaching Conference on May 20. Join us to learn how to more effectively preach Jesus from the Old Testament.
Nate Akin
Graham Shearer
Jeff Hay
Tuesday, May 20 | 9:30AM - 2:45PM
Glenrothes Baptist Church
Falkland Place
Glenrothes KY7 5NS
United Kingdom
9:30am - Registration
10:00am - Welcome and Introduction (MMarshall)
10:15am- Session 1: Preaching Christ from the Law (Nate Akin)
11:15am - Session 2: Preaching Christ from the Prophets (Graham Shearer)
Noon - Lunch
12:45pm - Session 3: Preaching Christ from the Writings (Jeff Hay)
1:45pm - Short Talks on Preaching
How to Address Unbelievers in an Expositional Sermon (Martin Smith)
How to Use Illustrations to Reach the Whole Person (Matthew Marshall)
How to Develop an Outline that has Order, Movement, and Progress (Liam Garvie)
2:15pm - Questions & Answers on Preaching (Panel)
2:45pm - Conference Ends
Click the button below to register today.

International Conference - Scotland
We’re excited to invite you to the 4th Pillar Network International Conference in the beautiful city of Edinburgh, Scotland!
From the 21-23 May pastors and church leaders from Pillar churches across the world will gather to hear God’s word preached and to talk together about opportunities to catalyze the spread of the gospel in their own nations and beyond by starting and strengthening churches. And you can be a part of it!
If you’re a pastor or church leader in a Pillar church or are looking to form international partnerships for the gospel, we’d love for you to come. If you’re based in Europe, the Middle East, Asia or Africa and Central Africa, we’d especially love to see you.
Even if you're not yet a Pillar church, but want to find out more about the focus and feel of this Network, you too are warmly welcome.
Pastors, one more thing, we’d love for you to bring your wives! There will be a ladies teaching track plus some fun events alongside the main conference.
In years past, many meaningful partnerships have been forged through this conference. We look forward to having you with us in Edinburgh in 2025!
Four Expositions on Ephesians: As One, For Him
Plenary Speakers:
Clint Darst
Chopo Mwanza
Liam Garvie
Dave Kiehn
Additional Speakers:
Nate Akin
Eric Bancroft
Evans Walton
May 21-23
Check-in will begin on Wednesday, May 21st at 11:30am. The conference will conclude at 1:30pm on Friday, May 23rd.
Charlotte Chapel
58 Shandwick Place
Edinburgh, Scotland
EH2 4RT, United Kingdom
General Admission (Available Jan. 1 - May 9) = $100 (+ online processing fee)
Tickets include lunch and dinner while attending the conference. Travel and accommodations are not included.
Please click the button below to register.

Pillar Fellowship at the SBC 2025
For those attending this year's SBC Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX, we are hosting our annual Pillar Fellowship the evening of Tuesday, June 10th, beginning at 7:30PM Central time and concluding by 8:45PM. We'll be meeting at the Omni Dallas Hotel, Trinity Ballroom, level 3, which is connected to the Convention Center. This will be a great to opportunity to connect with old/new Pillar friends alike while enjoying dessert and coffee together.
We will also briefly hear from 2 of our network leaders: Nate Akin & Dave Kiehn. Dave will provide some highlights on Pillar while Nate will address some of the pressing topics/updates for the SBC Annual Meeting.
We have a hard cap of 450 tickets for this event, so please register soon if you plan to attend.
This event is for Pillar churches and those interested in exploring partnership.
Omni Dallas Hotel
555 S Lamar St,
Dallas, TX 75202
Trinity Ballroom, Level 3
7:30PM - 8:45PM Central Time
$12 per person (plus fees) - Click the button below to register.

Unite Conference 2025
Join us for the 2025 Unite Conference at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary near Raleigh, NC. This is our flagship annual event where the Pillar family gathers for times of exposition, fellowship, encouragement, musical worship, good food, and more. This year’s theme will focus on Multiplying Churches and equipping congregations in raising up future pastors, planters, & missionaries for Great Commission efforts. While the Unite Conference is mainly geared towards pastors, other church staff and leaders, seminary students, residents, and pastors’ wives are all welcome to attend. We hope you can make it October 7-8, 2025 for the main conference, as well as our Pre and Post Conferences.
Our International Missions Pre-Conference, hosted by Reaching & Teaching, will take place on Monday, 10/6. More information and registration is coming soon.
Our team is currently working with the IMB to form a NEW post-conference option for our attendees.
More information about speakers and lodging coming soon…
October 6 | Pre-Conference focusing on International Missions
October 7-8 | Main Conference
October 8 | Post-Conference starts at 4:30 pm
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
100 North Wingate Street, Wake Forest, NC 27587
Tickets - $110 (Super Early Bird Admission), $99 (Super Early Bird Group) (plus fees)
Tickets cover admission along with a FREE T-Shirt, FREE Coffee/Snacks, 2 Lunches and 1 Dinner.
REFUND POLICY: Prior to September 7th, we can offer a 100% refund, minus the credit card processing fee. After September 7th, we can offer a 75% refund through September 30th, minus the credit card processing fee. After September 30th, we will not issue refunds for Unite 2025.
For more information and to register, click the button below.

Church Planting Bootcamp
Shadow a Six-Year-Old Church
Experience a hands-on journey into the very heartbeat of church planting. This practical exploration invites current and future church planters to step into the life of the church and witness firsthand how ministry unfolds. Participants will come under the guidance of four experienced church planting pastors, observing their work, engaging in questions and answers, learn essentials to a healthy church plant, and gain valuable insight into the mission of building gospel-centered churches.
You will be walking into a six-year church plant and get exposure into the church community, engage with the elders and members, and get a backstage pass into the life of a church plant.
Throughout the bootcamp the attendees will have an opportunity to interact with various practitioners on church planting, including staff and lay elders in addition to members. The trainers include Eric Bancroft and Chris Juday (Grace Church), Trevor Doles (Faith Church) and Jesse Crowley (Providence Road Church).
Membership Class
Elders' Meeting
Prayer Gathering
Worship Service
Members' Meeting
Service Debrief
MARCH 13-16
Grace Church Miami
370 Grand Concourse
Miami Shores, FL 33138
This event is limited to 30 future church planters and their leaders. Tickets are $150 and include 3 meals and books. Click the button below to find out more and register.

2025 Colombia Conference
Please consider joining us for our 2025 Pillar Vision Trip/International Conference in Colombia. The dates of the conference are March 10-17, 2025.
The conference is a place for Pillar pastors from Colombia and across South America to gather for encouragement, collaboration, and training. The Pillar churches in Colombia are healthy and vibrant and have a strong commitment to sound doctrine and church planting.
Each year the Pillar Network invites pastors from across the network to join the conference to connect with South American churches and to also forge relationships for collaboration. To help accomplish this there are two ways individual churches can connect: (1) a three-day church tour that takes individuals through Bogota, and Armenia or Medellin and then eventually culminates in Barranquilla for the International Conference or (2) people are welcome to simply attend the International Conference in Barranquilla.
Click the REGISTER button below to view the schedule options.
Option 1: $1,300.00 (plus fees)
- Full Week Tour Of Gospel Work In Colombia (3/10 - 3/17)
Option 2: $700.00 (plus fees)
- International Conference Only (3/13 - 3/17)
Both ticket options include food, hotel accommodations, and transportation.
Ticket options DO NOT include your flight to Colombia. This will need to be purchased by the attendee separately.
Domestic travel is included in the ticket cost for those attending the Colombia tour (Option 1).
Donations will assist Colombian pastors that want to attend the conference. If you choose to make a donation, please select the donation option below and make the payment through the site.
Please contact Victor Rodriguez, Jesse Crowley, or Juan Hernandez with any questions.

Psalms & Hymns Conference
Psalms & Hymns is a conference for church music leaders, their pastors, and those aspiring to become future worship leaders. At Psalms & Hymns, you will be strengthened through good preaching and talks, but for most of our time together, you'll be enjoying hands-on workshops, great fellowship around tables, and time for playing and worshiping through music.
1:00 PM Monday – 10:00 AM Wednesday
Park Baptist Church is the primary host for this year’s conference. The address is 717 E Main St, Rock Hill, SC 29730.
Portions of the conference will be held at Pioneer, Old Town, Eastside, and Northside churches as well.
This event is limited to 50 attendees. Tickets include four meals, coffee, snacks, and swag.
Early Bird (until Jan 9) - $59
Regular (Jan 9-Feb 20) - $89
Student (until Feb 20) - $59
Click the button below to find out more and register.

Apacienta Mis Ovejas
Este es un evento dirigido a pastores, lideres y miembros de la Iglesia local para aprender mas acerca de lo que es un liderazgo duradero.
Alejandro Molero
Matt Rogers
Victor Rodriguez
Dave Kiehn
Saturday, March 1 · 9am - 4pm EST
Christ Fellowship Cherrydale
401 State Park Road
Greenville, SC 29609
Tickets for this event are $30.

Preach Conference 2025
Preach Conference exists to promote faithful Bible preaching and, therefore, to strengthen pastors, lay leaders, and churches. God’s Word is the means by which He creates life, feeds His sheep, convicts sin, encourages the broken-hearted, and builds up the saints for maturity in Christ. The preached Word, therefore, is the starting point for Christian discipleship and worship. We want to help all Christians, and pastors in particular, to grow in their confidence in God’s Word and their competence to handle it rightly.
H.B. Charles
Phil Newton
John Sarver
Brian Davis
Mark Dever
Friday February 28 | 5:30pm - 10pm
Saturday March 1 | 8am - 1pm
Midtown Baptist Church
200 E. Parkway N.
Memphis, Tennessee 38112
Jan 1 - Feb 1: $50
Feb 1 - March 1: $75
For more information and to register please click the button below.

Thrive Women's Conference - 2025
Save the date for the Thrive Women’s Conference from February 28 - March 1, 2025! We invite you to join us for a time of fellowship, worship, and teaching from God's word. The aim of this conference is for women to be encouraged and trained in theology so that they may Thrive with God and in the Local church.
Theme: Walking in the Spirit
Speaker: Keri Folmer
The conference will be held Friday, February 28th until Saturday, March 1st, starting in the evening Friday and going until mid-day Saturday.
Oakhurst Baptist Church
5037 Monroe Rd,
Charlotte, NC 28205
Cost: $45 Registration
College Student: $25
For more information and to register, click the button below.

All-Network Pastors' Call with Reaching & Teaching
On Wednesday, February 26 at 2PM Eastern, Pillar Network pastors are invited to join us for our first All-Network Call of the year. This call is in partnership with our friends at Reaching & Teaching. The topic for discussion is Authority in the Church and the Missions World, featuring panelists Nate Akin, Ryan Robertson, and Jonathan Leeman.
Authority in the Church and the Missions World
Nate Akin
Ryan Robertson
Jonathan Leeman
Wednesday, February 26 at 2PM Eastern/New York Time
Paul Gaters will forward the Zoom link. Contact him for any questions or to join in.

2025 Aspire Conference
The Aspire Conference is the strategic gathering of church elders/pastors and those aspiring to be elders from across the state of Arizona for the purpose of encouraging and equipping.
The conference is a two-day event featuring expositional preaching, panel discussions, and ministry breakouts centered around the theme of shepherding in the local church context.
Light snacks and desserts will be provided on Friday night, with a continental breakfast and BBQ on Saturday; all included with registration. Attendees will also receive several good books on pastoral ministry.
Friday, February 21, 2025 | 6-8pm
Saturday, February 22, 2025 | 8am-4pm
Happy Valley Church
24220 N 43rd Ave
Glendale, AZ 85310
Registration: $25
After February 1st: $50
Click the button below for more information and to register.

Pillar Intensive: San Diego
UPDATE: This event is sold out and registration is now closed.
Our 2025 Pillar Intensive is set for Feb. 4-6 at The Hill Church in La Mesa, CA. Our main theme for this year's Intensive will focus on church planting & revitalization, but there will be plenty of content for established pastors as well.
If you're newer to Pillar, our Intensives are annual, smaller-scale events where we bring experienced leaders from within our network to provide focused-training for pastors & future pastors. In addition to great teaching, we will have times for panels, fellowship, good food, worship and a fun group outing.
The Intensive is primarily for Pillar pastors, future planters/revitalizers, and residents in our network. Churches that are interested in joining Pillar are also invited to attend. If you have questions about this, please contact us directly at debbie@thepillarnetwork.com.
February 4-6, 2025
Event begins 5:30PM on the 4th; concludes at 10:45AM on the 6th.
The Hill Church
LA MESA, CA 91941
DAY 1 - Tues. Feb. 4th
• 5:30PM - 6:15PM - Check-in
• 6:15PM - 7:30PM - Dinner
• 7:30PM - 9:00PM - Session 1 – Nate Akin – Raising Up Leaders
DAY 2 - Wed. Feb. 5th
• 9:00AM - 10:30AM - Session 2 – Josh Wredberg - Preaching
• 10:30AM - 10:45AM - BREAK
• 10:45AM - 12:10PM - Session 3 – Jimmy Steele – Pastoral Care/Leadership
• 12:10PM - 1:30PM - Lunch
• 1:30PM - 2:45PM - Session 4 – Jeff Long – Plurality & Team Dynamics
• 2:45PM - 3:15PM - BREAK
• 3:15PM - 4:30PM - Session 5 – Liam Garvie – In-reach & Out-reach
• 4:30PM - 5:00PM - Travel to Mini-golf/Dinner
• 5:00PM - 7:00PM - Mini-golf/Dinner
DAY 3 - Thurs. Feb. 6th
• 8:45AM – 10:00AM - Session 6 – Thiel, Small, Bancroft & Kiehn – Planting & Revitalization
• 10:00AM – 10:15AM BREAK
• 10:15AM – 11:00AM - Extended Panel – Nate Akin & Previous Speakers
Pillar Network Members: $100
Non-Member Churches: $400
The cost includes the attendee's hotel accommodations (two pastors will be assigned per room), food, swag, and a fun group event.
Attendees will need to cover the cost of their travel and all transportation.
Following the Intensive, a group will head south of the border to Tijuana, Mexico to visit the campus of Radius International—a mission training agency that equips missionaries who labor among the Unreached. Our time at Radius will include a one-night stay on campus and interaction with staff and students to explore how Pillar churches can partner with this strategic opportunity. You can learn more about Radius here.
This auxiliary event is limited to 25 attendees and is first come, first serve. This is for Pillar church personnel only.
Dates: Feb. 6 - Feb. 7 (1-night)
Attendees MUST have a current US Passport.
Housing, food, and travel for the 1-night event is covered for up to 25 attendees.
For questions about the Radius event, please contact Jimmy Steele at JimmySteele@thehillsd.org.
This event is sold out and registration is now closed.
For questions about the Intensive, please contact debbie@thepillarnetwork.com.

Puerto Rico Vision Trip
Please consider joining us for our 2025 Pillar Puerto Rico Vision Trip. On this trip, we will have the opportunity to get to know the island and visit the churches and pastors associated with our network. The goal will be to:
Equip and encourage Pillar pastors, leaders, and their wives
Learn about the work of equipping, planting, and revitalizing churches in PR
Explore potential collaborations
To help accomplish this, we will connect with individual churches by incorporating a church tour (to some of the churches on the island) and a one-day conference. The conference is to encourage Pillar pastors across PR to forge relationships by gathering for encouragement, collaboration, and training on "The Relationship that Lasts Forever".
The Pillar churches in PR are healthy and vibrant and strongly committed to sound doctrine and church planting.
January 23-28, 2025
Various Locations in PR (Map Route)
Send Relief Ministry Center - Guaynabo, PR
$500 (plus fees) - Includes food, accommodations at Send Relief Ministry Center, and transportation.
Flight NOT included (1/23-1/28)
Click HERE for more information, including a detailed schedule for the trip. Please contact Victor Rodriguez with any questions. Registration will be available soon.

IMB Missions College
Missions College is a place where pastors, church leaders, mission trip participants, and church members can build relationships with IMB missionaries and other Southern Baptists who share a passion for missions. It’s a hands-on training event for those who are engaged in short-term, mid-term, and long-term missions or who are interested in partnering with IMB teams. IMB missionaries will be there to help you learn and practice the skills you need to effectively engage the lost in cross-cultural settings.
IMB Missions College is centered around 11-hour learning tracks led by missionaries with extensive field experience. For Pillar missionary candidates the Foundations for Mission track (and alongside it, the Pathways breakout) would be helpful. Pillar pastors accompanying them can join that track or take The Sending Church track focused on building a healthy culture of sending.
Wednesday, January 22 | 12pm - Saturday, January 25 | 1pm
International Learning Center
16492 MLC Lane
Rockville, VA 23146
Use the South Anna Drive Entrance Only
Cost: $249 per person
Additional $90 for airport transportation
Click the button below for more important information and to register.

Pillar Dinner at Cross Con25
Registration for this event is at capacity.
Join us for a great time of fellowship and dinner during Cross Con on Friday January 3rd from 5pm to 6:30pm that will be hosted at Third Avenue Baptist Church.
Friday January 3 | 5pm - 6:30pm
Third Avenue Baptist Church
1726 S 3rd St,
Louisville, KY 40208

Cross Con25
CROSS CON25 will be held in Louisville, Kentucky from January 2-4, 2025. This is a conference for 18-25 year olds and their leaders which emphasizes the gospel, the church, and the nations. Speakers include: John Piper, David Platt, Trip Lee, Kevin DeYoung, Mez McConnell, and many others.
If you’re over 25 consider leading a group of 18-25 year olds to CROSS CON. Over 90% of those who attend come with a group leader, meaning most young adults won’t make it without someone like you to organize and encourage them.
John Piper
David Platt
Trip Lee
Kevin DeYoung
Mez McConnell
and many others.
January 2-4, 2025
Kentucky International Convention Center
221 S 4th St, Louisville, KY 40202
Be sure to stop by the Pillar booth and say hello! Also, we will once again host a Pillar dinner during this event. More details on this coming soon.
Please note, ticket prices will increase on September 19, so register soon! Click the button below for more information and to register.

Anchored in Christ Conference 2024
The Anchored in Christ Conference exists to glorify God by helping pastors and church leaders anchor their lives, ministries, and churches into Christ, His Word, and the Gospel. Our hope is that this conference will help unite churches and church leaders together and build lasting relationships that can encourage each other in the challenges of ministry that we face in our churches. Our desire this year at the conference is to help pastors learn the Biblical models of faithful ministry and help pastors to be faithful to the task they have been given.
The conference is made up of four sessions that will press deep into theological and Biblical truths. It will also include times of Q&A to make this conference as hands on and practical as possible.
Dr. Phil Newton
Garrett Connor
Brad Evangelista
December 5th | 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
December 6th | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
First Baptist Church Cedar Key
717 2nd St.
Cedar Key, Florida 32625
Cost: $50 - includes four meals, snacks, conference T-Shirt/merch, and books
For more information and to register please click the button below.

Pillar Counseling Conference at Grace Church Miami
Grace Church Miami is hosting a one-day Pillar Counseling Conference on November 16. This conference will explore how Jesus provides comfort and support to those in need and how we can follow His example to help others in their time of distress.
This event will focus on practical ways to show love and compassion to those who are hurting, just as Jesus did during His time on earth. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and grow in your ability to offer care and support to those around you or to receive it yourself.
Glyn Knight - Biblical Counselor for Anchored Hope
Kelly Wright - Counseling Pastor for Castleview Church
November 16 from 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Grace Church Miami
370 Grand Concourse
Miami Shores, FL 33138
Tickets are $25 and include lunch.
For more information and to register, click the button below.

Hampton Roads Pillar Pastor’s Conference 2024
Pillar’s Hampton Roads region is hosting a one-day conference on November 13 at Reformation Christian Fellowship in Newport News, VA. Hear from Mark Dever, Senior Pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. about building a healthy church. Mark will teach on:
What is a healthy church
How to build a healthy church
November 13th, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Reformation Christian Fellowship
7409 River Rd
Newport News, VA
Tickets are $10 (plus fees) and include lunch and a book. Click the button below for more information and to register.

Pillar Interest Lunch & Fellowship at SBTC (TX)
Please join us for a time of food and fellowship at the annual Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. This lunch will serve as a fellowship opportunity for current Pillar pastors in Texas and will also serve as an interest lunch for any Texas pastors interested in The Pillar Network.
Tuesday, November 12 | 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
Providence Baptist Church
3801 Preston Ave
Pasadena, TX 77505
Providence is located less than 15 minutes from Sagemont.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Kyle Newcomer. To register, please click the button below.

Feed My Sheep Greensboro
Feed My Sheep is a humble effort to bring pastors and church leaders together to foster friendship, partnership, and mutual encouragement.
The conference is a one-day event centered around faithful teaching related to relevant pastoral subjects. Our desire is to promote a vision for pastoral ministry that has, at its heart, a commitment to biblical shepherding.
A free lunch as well as snacks and coffee will be provided throughout the day. We plan to give away a number of good books to conference attendees who register!
This years speakers:
Mark Dever
Nate Akin
King’s Cross Church
1411 Benjamin Parkway,
Greensboro, NC 27408
PRICE: $55
Registration will be capped at 300.
Click the button below for more information and to register.

9Marks at 9: Expositional Preaching
Join us for 9Marks at 9 with the Pillar Network during the NC Baptist Annual Meeting in Greensboro on November 4th. Our topic for this event is: Expositional Preaching: How Does Preaching Shape the Local Church? Panelists include Dave Russell, Nate Akin, Clint Darst, and Bobby Jamieson. If you’re a pastor who is also interested in learning more about 9Marks or Pillar, please consider attending.
Dave Russell
Nate Akin
Clint Darst
Bobby Jamieson
Monday, November 4th at 9PM
Koury Convention Center - Auditorium IV
3121 W Gate City Blvd
Greensboro, NC 27407
Click the button below for more info and to register.

Feed My Sheep - Kansas City
Feed My Sheep is a humble effort to bring pastors and church leaders together to foster friendship, partnership, and mutual encouragement.
The conference is a one-day event centered around faithful teaching related to relevant pastoral subjects. Our desire is to promote a vision for pastoral ministry that has, at its heart, a commitment to biblical shepherding.
Aaron Menikoff - Senior Pastor of Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Sandy Springs, GA
Mike Summers - Lead Teaching Pastor at Countryside Church in Overland Park, KS
Wornall Road Baptist Church
400 W Meyer Blvd
Kansas City, MO 64113
Group Price is $25/per person with groups of 5 or more. General Admission is $35. Click the button below for more information and to register.

SEBTS Pastor’s Breakfast at Unite
Join Southeastern for a complimentary breakfast on October 9th at 7:30 am as we host a discussion on "The Life of a Pastor" featuring Dr. Danny Akin, Dr. Scott Pace, and Dr. Dwayne Milioni. They will talk about their years of experience in pastoral ministry and equipping pastors to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission. They will also answer questions from attendees about pastoral ministry. Everyone attending will leave with a giveaway book written by our Southeastern faculty.
Dr. Danny Akin
Dr. Scott Pace
Dr. Dwayne Milioni
Wednesday, October 9 | 7:30 AM - 8:45 AM
Wake Forest Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
107 E South Ave
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Tickets for this event are FREE and include a free book. Click the button below to register.

Unite Conference 2024
Join us for the 2024 Unite Conference at Southeastern Seminary near Raleigh, NC on October 8-9, 2024. This is our flagship annual event where the Pillar family gathers for times of exposition, fellowship, encouragement, musical worship, good food, and more. This year’s theme will focus on Biblical Authority, explored in 4 plenary sessions. If you’re new to Pillar, Unite is our global network’s yearly family reunion. We hope you can make it!
In addition, our Pre-Conference will take place on Oct. 7th and it will focus on international missions. Tickets for this event are sold separately.
Tickets cover admission along with a FREE T-Shirt, FREE Coffee/Snacks, 2 Lunches and 1 Dinner.
October 7 | Pre-Conference focusing on International Missions
October 8-9 | 9:15AM - Registration
Clint Darst
John Musyimi
Danny Rurlander
Dave Kiehn
Moisés Gómez
Jones Ndzi
Blake White
Nate Akin
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
100 North Wingate Street, Wake Forest, NC 27587
Pillar is currently accepting sponsorship requests for Unite 2024. For more information about our sponsor packages, visit our sponsors page here.
Tickets - $115 (general admission), $103.50 (group) (plus fees)
For more information and to register, click the button below:

International Missions Pre-Conference
For the third year in a row, we are partnering with Reaching & Teaching to host a special International Missions Pre-Conference on Monday, October 7th at Unite 2024! This event will feature panel discussions, breakouts, dedicated times for networking with international pastors, and more.
SCHEDULE (subject to change):
8am - Registration/Breakfast
9am – 10:30am – Session 1
10:30am – 11am – Break
11am – 12pm – Session 2
12pm – 1:00pm – Lunch
1:00pm – 2:10pm – Breakouts
2:15pm – 3pm – Coffee, Conversation, and Collaboration
3:15pm – 4:30pm – Session 3
Wake Forest Baptist Church - Fellowship Hall
(located on the Southeastern Seminary Campus)
107 E S Avenue
Wake Forest, NC 27587
$25 + processing fees
Please note, this ticket is only for the Pre-Conference on Monday, 10/7. To also attend the Unite Conference on 10/8-9, please purchase a Unite General Admission ticket.
Breakfast and lunch are included in the ticket price.
For more information and to register, click the button below:

Hampton Roads Pillar Conference 2024
On October 5, Pillar’s Hampton Roads region is hosting a one-day conference on the topic of Building a Culture of Evangelism. This conference will feature plenary speaker Matt Smethurst, Lead Pastor of River City Baptist Church in Richmond, VA, as well as several breakout sessions on a variety of specific topics around evangelism. If you are interested in hearing about building a culture of evangelism in your church, join us for this event.
Conference participants have the opportunity to hear two of the following:
Hospitality and Evangelism with Pastor Kenneth D'Auria
Help for the Reluctant Evangelist with Pastor Nathan Cecil
Stop “Sharing” the Gospel: Rethinking How We Talk About Evangelism with Pastor Hopson Boutot
Evangelism By Government Employees with Pastor Jay Haywood
Evangelizing Your Kids and Grandkids with Pastors Peter & Lee Hess
Evangelizing to Jehovah's Witnesses with Pastor Michael Howard
Evangelizing to Mormons with Pastor Michael Howard
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God with Pastor Ryan Brice
October 5th, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm
Seaford Baptist Church
1311 Seaford Road
Seaford, VA 23696
Tickets are $10 and include a Chick-Fil-A box lunch. Click the button below for more information and to register.

unORTHODOX Conference
The unORTHODOX Conference is about embracing the backwards call to truly follow Christ. This year’s theme is the unORTHODOX Citizen, exploring how to walk faithfully as citizens of heaven while living in this fallen world.
How do we process what is going on around us and how do we engage? Friday night and all day Saturday, the conference includes 6 General sessions, breakouts and panel Q and A’s.
Some of the topics this year include:
The Unshaken Citizen: How to be faithful and joyful when nations rumble.
Praying for Presidents, and Other Outlandish Things: Revisiting the most basic obligations of a Christian citizen.
Who is Caesar and what do we Render?: A discussion of Romans 13 and the believer.
What to do with a Christian Nationalist?: What does the title mean and how should we respond?
Life after Roe: How believers should engage in the abortion debate.
Go Local: A discussion of local magistrates and when local engagement is more powerful than state or national.
…and more.
Eastwood Community Church
702 Eastwood Rd
Wilmington, NC 28403
Registration costs $109. Spouses can attend for a discounted price of $69. Click the button below for more information and to register for this event.

Elders in the Local Church
What does it mean for a church to be led by a plurality of elders? How much authority do the elders have? How does elder authority relate to a congregational polity? And how does the ministry of the deacons fit in?
This conference will address these questions by considering the authority of the congregation, elders, and deacons in a way that is simple and memorable, with an eye toward implementation across different church contexts.
Join us on Saturday, September 21 at First Baptist Church Matthews, NC for a one-day event on Elders in the Local Church. This event will feature teaching from Dr. Ben Merkle of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a panel discussion with local pastors who have experienced a transition to an elder model at their local church.
First Baptist Matthews
185 S Trade St
Matthews, NC 28105
Individual tickets are $20 per person. Group tickets are also available. Click the button below for more information and to register.

Building Healthy Churches Conference
What is Biblical Theology? Is it important in the life of the local church? These questions and more will be addressed in the 2024 Building Healthy Churches Conference. This one-day event will be packed with encouragement for churches, resources for attendees, and a great time of fellowship. Gather with us on September 21, 2024 as we think through Biblical Theology and how it impacts local churches in Louisiana and beyond.
THEME: Biblical Theology for the Church
Dr. Tom Schreiner - Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Biblical Theology at SBTS
Dr. Oren Martin - Senior Director of Equipping at Watermark Community Church in Dallas, TX
September 21, 2024 from 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
North Hills Church
2208 Wellerman Rd.
West Monroe, LA 71291
$15 Early Bird by August 5th
$30 starting August 6th
Click the button below for more information and to register for this event.

Feed My Sheep - Maine
Calling all Maine & New England Pastors and leaders!
The 4th annual Feed My Sheep conference is on September 21 from 8am to 4pm. Join us for a day of fellowship, encouragement, and connecting together as pastors and leaders as we sit under the preaching of God's Word.
This is a pastors and leaders conference, and couples are encouraged to attend together!
This years speaker lineup:
Jonathan Leeman
Pastor Sean DeMars
Pastor Joel Littlefield
New City Church
150 Congress Ave
Bath, ME 04530
Registration fee is $35 per person and $50 for a married couple. Lunch will be provided! Click the button below to register.

The Pastor's Workshop
The Pillar Network is excited to sponsor the upcoming pastor’s worship at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary September 16th – 19th. This is a limited attendance workshop for Pastors led by Southern Seminary faculty designed to help pastors sharpen their skills and strengthen relationships at a retreat pace.
The Pastor’s Workshop includes:
Plenary sessions with Dr. Mohler, Dr. York, and Dr. Irving on Leadership
Extensive time of discussion relating to pastoral ministry with other pastors and academic leaders.
Shared meals with fellow pastors and Southern Seminary faculty.
A chance to attend Southern’s chapel services on Tuesday and Thursday.
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
2825 Lexington Rd
Louisville, KY 40206
United States
Workshop participants will receive complimentary lodging and all meals for $1,200. Meals include mentoring sessions with faculty members and networking with fellow pastors.
To find out more information about this event and to register, click the button below.

Feed My Sheep Pastors Wives
Feed My Sheep Pastors Wives is a two-day conference to connect, encourage and equip pastors wives.
Ministry is a challenge and a joy. Through biblical teaching and sweet fellowship, we want FMS>PW to be a comforting and tender call to persevere in ministry to your family and church. More than anything, we want women to know that Christ is an all-sufficient Savior. All joy, hope, peace, purpose, and salvation are bound up in him.
So if you are a pastor's wife, an elder's wife, or the wife a husband preparing for pastoral ministry, we invite you to register today!
Keynote: Adrienne Lawrence
Biblical Counseling: Jaynie Timmons
Friday–Saturday, September 13-14, 2024
Check-In | Friday at 10:00 am
Conference Concludes | Saturday at 3:00 pm
Mount Vernon Baptist Church
850 Mt. Vernon Hwy NW
Atlanta, GA 30327
Early Bird | $85 + fees (June 3 – 30)
Standard | $100 + fees (ends August 23)
Late | $115 + fees (ends September 6)
Includes conference resources and three meals.
Interested in staying with a host family? Complete this form by August 23.
For more information and to register, click the button below.