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International Conference - Scotland

  • Charlotte Chapel 58 Shandwick Place Edinburgh, Scotland, EH2 4RT United Kingdom (map)


We’re excited to invite you to the 4th Pillar Network International Conference in the beautiful city of Edinburgh, Scotland! 

From the 21-23 May pastors and church leaders from Pillar churches across the world will gather to hear God’s word preached and to talk together about opportunities to catalyze the spread of the gospel in their own nations and beyond by starting and strengthening churches. And you can be a part of it!

If you’re a pastor or church leader in a Pillar church or are looking to form international partnerships for the gospel, we’d love for you to come. If you’re based in Europe, the Middle East, Asia or Africa and Central Africa, we’d especially love to see you.

Even if you're not yet a Pillar church, but want to find out more about the focus and feel of this Network, you too are warmly welcome.

Pastors, one more thing, we’d love for you to bring your wives! There will be a ladies teaching track plus some fun events alongside the main conference.

In years past, many meaningful partnerships have been forged through this conference. We look forward to having you with us in Edinburgh in 2025!


Four Expositions on Ephesians: As One, For Him

Plenary Speakers:

  • Clint Darst

  • Chopo Mwanza

  • Liam Garvie

  • Dave Kiehn

Additional Speakers:

  • Nate Akin

  • Eric Bancroft

  • Evans Walton


May 21-23

  • Check-in will begin on Wednesday, May 21st at 11:30am. The conference will conclude at 1:30pm on Friday, May 23rd.


Charlotte Chapel
58 Shandwick Place
Edinburgh, Scotland
EH2 4RT, United Kingdom


General Admission (Available Jan. 1 - May 9) = $100 (+ online processing fee)

  • Tickets include lunch and dinner while attending the conference. Travel and accommodations are not included.

Please click the button below to register.


May 20

Christ-Centered Preaching Conference - Glenrothes, Scotland

June 10

Pillar Fellowship at the SBC 2025