

This section addresses common questions we get from those inquiring about Pillar and exploring what partnership with our family of churches.

  • NAMB is the Southern Baptist Convention’s official sending agency. An entity we love and fully recommend. In contrast, Pillar focuses on the church-to-church level, helping to energize church planting/revitalization efforts directly within SBC congregations.

  • No, Pillar does not receive funds from the CP. Rather, all of our US-based churches contribute to the CP. We also promote and encourage annual giving to the Lottie Moon & Annie Armstrong offerings.

  • We see ourselves as a type of catalyst for Great Commission endeavors within the SBC umbrella and through SBC cooperation. In other ways, we function as a kind of borderless, affinity-based, Baptist association.

  • Some of our services to official plants & revitalization works include:

    -FREE web/graphic design services

    -FREE Payroll/Annual Tax Assistance

    -Access to like-minded church partners who want to be directly involved in the church planting/revitalizing process

    -Online Giving Access for your church

    -Monthly Regional Coaching Sessions

    -Post-Launch Assessments are available from staff

    -Fundraising Guidance

    -Support/fellowship for pastors' wives

    -Like-minded fellowship/events

  • We have a 5-step process identified under the "Join" tab on our website.

  • What does Pillar offer for women? The Pillar Network has a ministry for women called “Pillar Ladies” that seeks to connect, equip, and resource women leaders as they serve in a variety of roles to help see healthy churches planted and revitalized. We offer monthly Zoom calls and Zoom cohorts, a yearly conference for pastors’ wives, regional gatherings in select areas, and various resources. You can learn more about Pillar Women here.

  • For churches based in the US, yes, you must be a member of the Southern Baptist Convention or willing to join in order to associate with Pillar. International churches are not able to join the SBC and thus, free from this requirement.


Click below to visit our contact page and you can directly submit your question to a member of our staff.