In April 2025, ABRA is hosting a pastors & wives retreat to support and encourage one another. Over three days, church leaders will consider how to plant churches and lead well. We invite pastors of Pillar churches to join with teaching opportunities at multiple sessions. This is an opportunity for Pillar pastors and their wives to invest in indigenous leaders, explore partnership opportunities in Argentina, and preach the word to the nations.
In the fall of 2022, the Asociación Bautista Reformada Argentina (ABRA) and the Pillar Network entered into a partnership to promote church planting, revitalization, and sustainable growth, primarily in Argentina and the Spanish-speaking world. Both ABRA and Pillar have a desire for the people of God to obey the Great Commission and believe that cooperative efforts between theologically like-minded churches and networks are mutually beneficial and encouraged in God’s Word.
The Crecer Foundation works alongside ABRA in the United States to facilitate church-to-church partnerships and projects. We hope to see many of these partnerships and relationships form between Pillar and ABRA churches.
April 1-8 2025
Cost: $600-800 + flights (because of ongoing inflation swings, a more exact trip cost will be set closer to the dates). For more information, contact The Crecer Foundation. Learn more about them at thecrecerfoundation.org.
Click the button on the left for more information about the trip. Click the button on the right to register for the trip. For questions about this trip, email Dave Kiehn or Victor Rodriguez.