Director of Redemption Kids + Admin Role


Redemption Hill Church in Boston, MA is seeking a Director of Redemption Kids that will first provide visionary leadership for RHC’s mission to children (birth to Grade 5), coordination of volunteers, encouragement of parents and their families, and assistance to the Elders & Staff as children and families are integrated into the fuller life of the church through enthusiastic collaboration. A significant focus will be on the Sunday morning experience and the Director will also help empower the strategic vision of the church throughout the Leadership Pipeline to the benefit of many RHC stakeholders. Additionally, the candidate will flexibly assist the Pastors & Staff with crucial behind-the-scenes administrative support church-wide. Consistent with the growth dynamics of a local church, it is likely that role may change over time given the emergence of new opportunities and the development of others.


  • Commitment to RHC’s Seven Pursuits of a Disciple as an example of a growing, Spirit-filled believer in Jesus Christ determined to honor God, our Father

  • Current standing as an RHC Member (or committed to the pursuit of Membership) and fulfillment of RHC’s Member Covenant as an example of a growing, Spirit-filled believer in Jesus Christ committed to honoring the Father

  • Willingness to review and embrace the RHC Staff Covenant vital to Leadership excellence as a Team

  • Heart for children and families

  • Able to effectively lead and develop team members while catalyzing ministry to people by removing logistical burdens to RHC’s effectiveness

  • Experience or ability to learn in areas regarding ministry to children, managing volunteers, and mastery of key administrative tools

  • A strict confidentiality agreement must be signed as a guarantee of privacy protection


  1. Redemption Kids: (60%)

  2. Administration: (40%)


The candidate is asked to commit to a minimum of 2 years of service (with a strong preference for 3 or more years).

  • Typically, the candidate will serve a minimum of 35 hours/week

  • Consistent communication and collaboration with overseeing Elder is expected

For a full job description please click here. To apply and access the full job description at Redemption Hill’s employment page, click the button below.


Communications Director


Director of Redemption Kids