Director of Student Discipleship


Old Town Church in Rock Hill, SC is seeking a part-time Director of Student Discipleship. The Director of Student Discipleship will provide leadership, oversight, and vision to developing systems and strategies for the discipleship of students (6th grade - college) of OTC. The goal of Student Discipleship is to equip students of OTC to help one another know and follow Jesus.


  • Growing relationship with Jesus

  • Committed to missional living

  • Theological alignment with the Baptist Faith & Message 2000

  • Passion and desire for the discipleship of students and families

  • Ability to think creatively, strategically, and critically

  • Ability to communicate clearly and effectively


  • Create a culture of discipleship among student ministry volunteers and parents

  • Works with Discipleship Pastor and volunteers to build discipleship systems

  • Ensure safety and security policies are communicated and implemented

  • Provide care to families and students of OTC

  • Pursue relational discipleship with students and ensure this is happening with all students

  • Plan, execute, and manage volunteer trainings and meetings


  • Salary Range: $15,000-$18,000 per year

  • To access the complete job description, please click the button below. Please send resumes, and any questions you may have, to


Kid’s Ministry Leader (Part-Time)


Director of Worship & Outreach - Part-Time