Worship Leader


Beacon Community Church exists to glorify God by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, connecting people with God and one another in community, serving our neighbors in tangible ways, developing as faithful followers of Jesus, and multiplying as people engaged in God’s mission locally and globally.  

This person will work with the pastors to lead in congregational worship each week and will lead a team of musicians who serve in our band on a weekly basis as well as help us to work to train up other worship leaders to serve in our church and in churches and church plants in New England.


Spiritual Qualifications— Is a mature follower of Jesus Christ who demonstrates gospel commitments

Credentials and Experience— This person has proven leadership over corporate worship in a church setting. There is no mandatory educational requirement.

Doctrinal, etc.—Must be: 1) doctrinally compatible with Beacon Community Church and be able to join our congregation; 2) possess a love for the local church and understand its mission in the world; 3) sensitive to people of varying age, race/ethnicity and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Worship Leader Will

  • Develop band that leads congregation on a weekly basis.

  • Work closely with pastors in planning of the weekly worship gatherings.

  • Contact, recruit, and train musicians through communication, rehearsals, and other meetings as necessary.

  • Select music, as well as instrumental and vocal leadership for every service.

  • Work to help train emerging worship leaders who may serve at Beacon or other churches in the future.


This is part-time role (12-15 hours/week). The compensation will consider the skills and ministry experience of the applicant.


For more info or to apply for this position, email Dane Helsing.


Director of Worship & Outreach - Part-Time


Pastoral Assistant