Worship & Student Ministry Leader
The Church at Perry Creek is hiring a full-time position with a dual role. As worship leader, lead a vibrant, organized worship program that develops worship team members into worship leaders who work as a Spirit-led team to bring our people into the worship of the Living God.
As youth ministry leader, lead a student ministry that evangelizes unbelieving youth, produces healthy disciples, cultivates true community, and involves whole families. The goal of our “Rooted” youth ministry is to lay a foundation that will keep students grades 5-12 not only interested in coming to church, but also in developing a lifelong understanding of what it means to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.
Foster a spirit of worship
Lead & coordinate worship services
Select & arrange worship songs
Lead musical rehearsals, providing musical direction & guidance
Recruit, support, & mentor worship team members
Manage technical teams
Continuously develop musical skills & knowledge
Participate in worship planning meetings
Help our students grow in their faith with God
Exhibit strong communication skills
Exhibit effective organizational planning & timely follow-through
Work with the elders to strengthen the vision for our student ministry & integrate our students into the broader life of the church
Annual salary of $48,000 for 40 hours per week
Initially hired on a 90 day probationary period with 30, 60, and 90 day reviews by the senior pastor
View the full job description by clicking below. To apply, email info@perrycreekchurch.org to request an application.