Student Pastor


Foothills Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona is seeking a full-time Student Pastor to serve in sync with the vision, mission, values and strategy of Foothills. The Student Pastor will lead teams of volunteers to develop an effective ministry to middle and high school students and their families; oversee the assimilation process that helps lead people to faith, baptism, and membership; and participate in the preaching rotation.


  • Meets biblical qualifications for a Pastor (1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9) and desires to serve as part of a plurality of elders who lead, feed, and care for the whole church

  • Clear testimony of faith in Christ and a proven track record of fruitful ministry

  • Model of personal integrity in his life, family, and ministry

  • Solid fit with the ministry staff, support staff, and eldership

  • Degree in an area of concentration equipping them for ministry

  • Agree with the vision, mission, values, and doctrinal statement of Foothills Baptist Church (Baptist Faith and Message 2000)


  • Lead and grow ministry to students and their families in sync with our vision, mission, and values

  • Build and scale a culture of discipleship among student ministry volunteers and parents

  • Develop and oversee the budget for Student Ministry and assimilation

  • Build relationships with leaders in local schools for the sake of the gospel and access to students

  • Oversee Foothills assimilation process – moving people from faith in Christ to baptism to membership

  • Participate in the preaching rotation roughly seven times per year


To view a full job description please click the button below. To apply or if you have any other questions please contact


Associate Pastor


Worship Minister